Farcht leads and coaches people in or aspiring to leadership positions regarding how to develop and dramatically improve the way they work and live. His clients achieve 30- 100% more focus, effectiveness, and efficiency in their work. They develop more confidence, improved interpersonal relationships, and are recognized as becoming more successful.
“My clients experience less stress, exercise more control, and find a better balance in work and life activities. They develop greater happiness, satisfaction with work and life, and become more joyful,” Farcht says of the people he helps develop and coach.
Farcht can comment on:
- All aspects of effectiveness, productivity, and leadership skill building like goal setting, organization, planning, managing work, delegation, and motivation.
- Personal leadership, vision, purpose, mission, and values to include dreaming again, balance in work and life, change, choice, attitudes, and self-development.
- Organizational accountability, communication, and barriers to success like fear.
To schedule an interview, or obtain a review copy or information on placing an excerpt in your publication, please contact Babs Chandrasoma, PR by the Book, www.prbythebook.com , 512 289-4339, babs@prbythebook.com.