As a bank teller, you will have a specific location at the counter where you will serve customers. Each day will start with counting the money in your till and the supervisor verifies this amount. Throughout the workday, you will handle large amounts of money, for which you have to keep detailed records. Since computers are used to complete most of this work, being proficient with using a computer is one of the qualifications for the job. You will receive training in using the specific software of the bank when you obtain the position, but it is likely that you will already have the rudimentary knowledge through your course work. At the end of the day, the amount of money in the till must correspond to the amount posted on the financial report for the day’s activity at your station. You can advance to the position of head teller, where you job will be to supervise the work of all the other tellers in the bank.
In your job as a bank teller, you must be very attentive to details, such as making sure checks are endorsed properly, that the name of the check corresponds to the identity of the person cashing it, and that the check is not a forgery. When cashing a check, you will also have to check the account to ensure there are sufficient funds there to cover the amount withdrawn. You may have the responsibility for business accounts and deal with company withdrawals and deposits during your day. Another part of your duties may be to check the ATM machines in the bank, process the withdrawals and deposits and restock the money in each machine. Opening and closing savings and checking accounts is another of the duties you will have to perform in this position.
Through experience, you can have many opportunities for advancement by starting off as a bank teller. You can take courses in accounting and business that will allow you to work in other capacities in a bank, such as a loans officer. With six months experience in this job, you can take courses from the Institute of Certified Bankers to obtain a Bank Teller Certificate. There are specific courses you must take in this program which will certify you have the knowledge needed to meet the technical expectations of the job. This institute also offers twelve other certification programs that will certainly allow you to advance in your career.