When you ask the question, ''What kinds of jobs are there in the administrative field?'' you will find that this is a very broad area of the job market. As a result, there are a wide variety of jobs you can obtain depending on your education and experience. You can narrow the search by looking for administrative jobs in a particular field. Just about every facet of society requires administration, whether it is government, business, or health. When you speak of administrative jobs, the first thing that comes to mind is a high-paying job as a supervisor of some area. However, there is more to this field than working in a supervisory capacity.
If those are not the sort of jobs that appeal to you, you will want to inquire about other areas when you ask what kinds of jobs there are in the administrative field. You will find a long list from which you can choose, and you will then simply have to ensure that you have the proper qualifications for your choice. Working in an administrative capacity in insurance, for example, means that you will need to have knowledge of the insurance laws of the relevant state, the different types of insurance available, and how you can help a customer acquire the type of insurance he or she needs. Some insurance companies deal with only one type of insurance, while others cover several areas.
Of course, there are other qualities that you must possess in addition to the education needed for a given administrative job. You must have excellent written and spoken communication skills and a pleasant demeanor. You should also have an eye for detail and be able to work with numbers. Mathematical ability is especially important in areas where you have to deal with managing budgets, paying bills, and looking after payrolls. The best thing to do when you search for jobs in the administrative field is to narrow your search to one area in order to find applicable jobs.