You have a better chance of obtaining a job in one of the careers in administration, such as health care administration, if you ensure that the university you choose is an accredited one. You can find this information by checking the list of universities that are certified by the Association of University Programs in Health Care Administration. This is because an essential component of these university degree programs is that you successfully complete an internship program. In the internship, you will spend a term working in the field in a hospital and gain valuable experience that you can have on your resume when you apply for a job.
When you do obtain your initial or post-graduate degree and apply for the positions of Health Care Administrator, there are many places where you can get your start in one of these careers in administration. Health care providers are usually the first choice where you will be working with a hospital or a group of physicians. This can also include a position as an administrator in a nursing home, a clinic, or a rehabilitation service. Health care suppliers also hire graduates of a Health Care degree program and there is a need for such personnel in companies that deal with health care organizations as well as pharmaceutical and biotechnical companies. Insurance providers also have careers in administration for graduates with a degree in Health Care Administration.
When you search for job openings for careers in administration that require a degree in Health Care administration, you will find ads for a wide variety of positions. Some examples of these positions include managing an office for a physician, working in a clinical pharmacology center and many others. It is unlikely that you will get a high-ranking administrative position right out of university. Most people in these positions have started off in entry-level jobs and worked their way up through experience and additional courses to increase their education credentials. However, it is also possible that with an exceptional reference after you complete your internship you can gain the exact position in one of the careers in administration that you are looking for.