In order to become a civil engineering technician you need a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in engineering from an accredited university. You can also enter this profession with an associate degree in engineering technology from a technical college. If you have a university degree in Mathematics you can still work at this kind of job when you take further training. Before you enroll in an engineering program at a college, you should check to ensure the college has been accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. If it isn’t, your degree will not be acceptable for getting a job in this field.
There are specific technical courses you can take in college to ensure you have the right qualifications for the job of civil engineering technician. These include courses in environmental design, environmental regulations and how to safely handle hazardous materials. It is essential that you have creativity and are able to see the whole picture in your mind before you start a project. You also need to be proficient in using the computer and the specific software programs that can aid you in your work, whether it is in the design process or developing an estimate of how much it will cost.
Although it is not mandatory that you have a certificate as a civil engineering technician, it would be to your benefit to be certified in this area. The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies is the agency responsible for the certification of those in the engineering filed This agency has many certificate programs that will allow you to add to your skills and increase your chances of obtaining a job or a promotion, For example, you can take the courses leading to a certificate in Highway Design Highways Construction, Highway Maintenance, and Highway Surveys just to mention four certifications that fall under the Transportation category.
There are various levels of certification as a civil engineering technician that will qualify you for advancement and promotions. When you enter the profession you will naturally be at Level 1. After a few years working at this job you can take the second certification to add to your credentials as you gain more knowledge and skills. At Level 3, you will have the certificate that allows you to work as an independent contractor and at Level 4 certification; you can act in the capacity of consultant or specialist.