When you want to get hired as an administrative assistant in the medical field, you should search for job postings in your local area. These postings will tell you what kinds of duties you will have to perform in that role and the type of educational background you need to be hired for the position. Having an understanding of what you will have to do in this role is essential because when you are called for an interview, the questions you will have to answer will focus on these duties. You will likely have to type letters, take dictation, or transcribe letters from a Dictaphone. Being in the medical field, you will also deal with patients, make appointments, and make and receive telephone calls. It is a very busy job, so you need to be very attentive to details.
As part of the duties of getting hired as an admin. assistant in the private medical field, you will have to be able to work independently. This does not merely refer to working alone in an office. It means that you must be able to perform all the duties of the office on your own. The skills you need to perform this job include being able to efficiently operate the equipment in the office and being able to make simple repairs when necessary. Filing medical records properly is necessary, as is making calls for appointments with specialists and making follow-up calls when required.
To get hired as an admin. assistant, you need to have certain personal characteristics as well. These include being organized, demonstrating that you are a team player, and being willing to learn new tasks. Being friendly is, of course, one the most important characteristics required in such a job. Depending on the nature of the office, you may be called upon to perform such tasks as giving preliminary eye exams or hearing tests. This does not mean you have to take courses in these areas, but you have to be able to learn on the job.
When you apply for a position so that you can get hired as an admin. assistant, you will have to supply the names of references that can attest to your ability to work in such an environment. Therefore, through your studies and through any previous jobs, whether or not they are related to administrative work, you must be able to prove that you are diligent and hardworking.