As an administration assistant, you would certainly find variety in the workplace. Good administration is the glue that holds the entire office together, and as the assistant, that would be you. You would work with accounting, communications, reception, documentation filing—truly a bit of everything. An administrative assistant could be likened to a secretary—only their work is more varied, requires more skills, and the assistant’s salary is about double the secretary’s.
If you wish to make your administration assistant jobs turn into careers you will need good people skills, because you will be dealing directly with people. Also, a fair knowledge of computer technology is desired; the more you know on that front, the more enjoyable your career will ultimately be. It would also benefit you greatly if you have an understanding of budgeting, as you will more than certainly be dealing with a company’s funds. (Though generally not too extensively.)
As in virtually ever career today, a degree is required for this position—generally speaking. But specific employers will make exceptions due to past experience, or even if you are currently attending school. (Many companies will even help with tuition fees.) But there are some degrees or courses that—if you have one, or are in the process of acquiring one—will brighten your employment outlook substantially. A degree or knowledge in document management, human recourses, basic accounting, compliance, or even relationship building would be ideal.
So who are your potential employers, if you were to choose this administrative career? Government agencies—both Federal and State—require administrative assistants, as do physicians’ offices. There are school administration jobs, and insurance companies especially have a growing need for competent, friendly administrative assistants. Large publishing companies, corporate businesses, warehouses—Administrative assistants are needed seemingly everywhere. This is not a career that places you in a specified setting, and holds you there—you can take these universal administration skills and exceed at any of the above mentioned posts. Whether you are looking to become an integral part of a large company, or looking for a smaller position in a smaller company, your employment chances are good, and there is definitely job security. Administrative assistants are needed mostly in larger cities, but there are positions in smaller towns as well.
An administrative assistant is a supporter of the company—and a very necessary part. More often than not, your duties will vary as one company varies from another. You will need to be a fast and competent learner to succeed in this field of work. While a degree in something is appreciated, be prepared to master new skills regardless of personal experience. Most administration jobs are specifically tailored for the specific office in which you are hired, and you will be expected to be trained while on the job.
Any position in the administrative field would be best filled by a motivated, many-talented person. Really, you will be expected by your future employer to be a Jack of all trades.